What is Sister Science?

ayurveda sisterscience wellness Jan 19, 2024
Healthy, Happy, Easeful Woman. Owning her power.
Sister Science is a term that I have heard over and over again as people attempt to define Ayurveda.  We hear "Ayurveda is the Sister Science of Yoga".  It is relating these two complementary disciplines and helping us understand that there are common principles between these two ancient practices. 

Yoga is a system of physical, mental, and spiritual practices that aim to promote overall health and wellbeing, while Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine that focuses on balancing the body, mind, and spirit to prevent and treat illness. Together, they are known as the "sister sciences" because of their interrelatedness and the way in which they complement and enhance one another.

The more I learn the more complementary and supportive these disciplines feel.  And... it gives us an example of collaboration over competition. One is not better than the other, they each support the other.  This paradigm shift is one that feels essential as we watch our competitive consumer driven world drive everything into the ground. There must be another way.  And... to me, this feels like that way.

For example, the practice of yoga helps to prepare the body and mind for Ayurvedic treatments and therapies by increasing flexibility, reducing stress, and improving overall health (we call this Ojas!). Then, Ayurvedic principles and practices help to guide your personalized yoga practice, taking into account your constitution, current state of health, and any imbalances that need to be addressed.

Sister science refers to the interconnectedness of different fields of knowledge and the way in which they can work together to enhance our understanding and application of those disciplines.

And so we begin Sister Science, growing out of what was Jill Novak Yoga, we start with Yoga and Ayurveda, but will expand beyond that to include other healing arts that are yin, feminine, and intuitive in nature.  We aim to include modalities here that recognize 5 key elements of healing we believe are overlooked in western medicine: 

  1. Holistic: All your bodily systems are interconnected. It is outdated and foolish to not consider the whole being in any path to health. Your genetic background, lifestyle, and environment all play a part in your wellness. 
  2. Intuitive: These healing arts consider not just the physical body, but also your connection to an innate truth. Wisdom that you have with in. This leads to deeper self awareness and a growing trust in your intuition.
  3. Personalized: Ayurveda emphasizes the unique nature of each individual and offers personalized recommendations based on one's constitution, current state of health, and what is happening in the environment around you. Acknowledging that each individual has unique needs leads to more effective treatments and better health outcomes.
  4. Empowered: Individuals are empowered to take an active role in their own health and well-being. Taking responsibility to use the tools and techniques on a daily basis as needed is an essential step in the process.  Each time you make a good choice, you step into your power and healing happens. 
  5. Connected: Perhaps this above all, when we recognize that we are one with the universe, with nature, with spirit, with each other, then we drop into a paradigm where innate healing happens. Yoga and Ayurveda recognize the essential nature of connection, and each practice is designed to align us  to that place. This leads to a greater sense of harmony and balance within ourselves and with the world around us. 

Sister Science is a dream, a vision, one that wants to offer a unique and powerful approach to health and well-being that can complement and enhance Western approaches to healthcare.  It is juicy to even write about this as it is being birthed, I can't wait to share with you. 

If you are interested in knowing more, then join one of Sister Science key courses, to immerse yourself into sustainable lifestyle change that will offer you the vitality and wellness that you want.





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